In 2006, the editors of Cell 2 Soul and Dermanities launched a new section called “Why Read? — Personal Canons,” conceived as a forum to share those works which resonate with us. We invited some friends, colleagues and teachers to share works which for them are canonical: i.e. those books, poems, perhaps movies which they keep returning to. In the literary economy of the Latin poet, Horace, these are works which mix the useful and sweet (qui misquit utile et dulci).
The Canons we collected will be housed in this new blog. To date we have gathered over 50 personal lists. This is very much a "collection in progress." We encourage our readers to submit their own canons. Don’t be shy! Please follow the format of the canon which is attached here: Download GuidelinesBlog
You can read more about the Canon Philosophy at: Canon Philosophy.
This New Yorker cover from October 2009 is called "In the World of Books" and addresses the philosophy behind this project.