In the past week both Newsweek and the New England Journal of Medicine have published interesting pieces on cats (see below). This got us to thinking. If you have some spare moments, please follow the links.
Dogs have masters. Cats have staff. Anonymous and more quotes:
Christopher Smart "on his cat Jeoffrey" from Jubilate Agno (1762) Download christopher_smart.pdf
Here's another fine poem, this one harkening back to C. Smart and Jeoffrey: Wild Gratitude by
by Edward Hirsch about his cat, Zooey. Hirsch finally understands that
It is Jeoffrey—and every creature like him—
Who can teach us how to praise—purring
In their own language,
Wreathing themselves in the living fire. Download wild_gratitude.pdf
Saving my cat: why no price was too high by Frederick R. Lynch
Newsweek July 30, 2007 issue - I recently paid $11,000 in veterinary bills for my cat, Fritz. I've been hesitant to tell friends about this expenditure, which I know seems extravagant. But after hearing a radio financial guru answer questions from two callers about tapping their 401(k) accounts for veterinary bills, I realized I am not alone. Download newsweek_cat.pdf
A Day in the Life of Oscar the Cat by David Dosa, New England Journal of Medicine
Oscar the Cat has had an uncanny ability to predict when [nursing home] residents are about to die. Dr. David Dosa describes a day in the life of Oscar. Download cat_nejm.pdf
Before we away from home, our Cat, "Chi," lies on an article of clothing or in an open suitcase. She knows we are leaving and it seems to center her to be in contact with clothing. Go figure?