Paul Tough's recent book, How Children Succeed, may be of immeasurable value to parents, teachers, mentors and those of us who are on a path. His thesis is that standardized tests and IQ measures are often less important than grit, perseverance and curiosity in determining who succeeds in life.
An old proverb says it better: "Fall seven times, get up eight."
This NPR post, Children Succeed With Character Not Test Scores, is a must read for many C2S readers.
Some of you may remember Paul Tough's landmark New Yorker article, The Poverty Clinic, which dealt with the effects Adverse Childhood Experiences have on an individual's physical (as well as emotional) development and health.
How Children Succeed is another "home run" for Paul Tough. If this topic interests you, Mr. Tough's book tour may be coming to your city.