“Addiction is a chronic and relapsing brain disease.” Few would dispute this statement purported by the National Institute on Drug Addiction (NIDA). Those of us who work in the disciplines of clinical medicine and research pharmacology have been inculcated with its corollary: “once an addict, always an addict.” Such claims conjure up the notion that those addicted to substances remain powerless over their pharmaceutical spells. Now comes a work—Addiction: A Disorder of Choice—in which research psychologist Gene Heyman challenges the view that substance abuse is an irresistible act wholly beyond the control of the user. >>more
Brian T. Maurer has practiced pediatrics as a Physician Assistant for thirty years. His "Marginal Notes" column appears periodically in the Cell2Soul Blog. The title "Marginal Notes" is taken from a quote by Henry David Thoreau: "I love a broad margin to my life."