from Patients As Partners web site
Do you know what your patient is thinking? BMJ 2015; 350
This is a new series in the British Medical Journal that puts the patients on the podium as teachers for physicians and other health care workers.
“Though patients and carers are becoming more involved in the ongoing education of healthcare staff, we rarely have the chance to set the agenda for what we would like you to learn. In our new patient led and patient authored series, What Your Patient is Thinking, we hope to redress this balance a little. The points made will range from practical hints and tips for meeting needs specific to certain conditions through to challenges to the medical status quo. What they will all do is offer practical things you can do differently tomorrow as a result of reading what we have to say.”
The first essay, Why there’s no point telling me to lose weight
BMJ 2015; 350, is powerful, hard-hitting and insightful. It highlights how off-putting some medical visits can be for patients. It is worth studying.
There is so much more to learn, and it appears that we have ignored a vital resource in our professional education: our patients and their families. The BMJ is pointing us towards the obvious. It is sad that so little ink has been spent on this area.
Other resources include:
Patient Voices Programme (U.K.) is partly an attempt to redress the balance of power between healthcare clinicians and managers and the people they serve, and partly an attempt to give decision-makers a different kind of opportunity to understand the needs of patients – other than the dry results of surveys and statistics.
Patients as Partners | Patient Voices Network (British Columbia):
As experts in our own lives, we can provide health system decision-makers with important information about how to best serve patients and involve us as partners in our own care. It is important for patients to participate in decision-making so that B.C.’s health care system reflects the needs and priorities of those it serves—the patients.
There are probably many more initiatives.